Poster Presentation

Display times:
As each poster is included in the Conference Scientific Program, all posters will be exhibited for the duration of the Conference. Posters should be set up in the morning of the presentation day and they should not be removed until the end of the Conference, unless stated otherwise.
Authors are expected to be at their posters when its session is scheduled.

Posters locations:
Posters will be displayed in the Room 106.

Dimensions and attachment:
The poster should be in the format of A0 paper. We will provide materials for attaching posters.

Your poster should be readable from a distance of 2 meters. Suggested font sizes:

  • The title should be capitalized with lettering 2cm high (72 point) at least.
  • Authors and affiliations should be 11mm high (42 point) at least.
  • Text lettering should be 5mm high (18 point) with a line thickness of 1mm at least.

Be careful also in your use of colours, some people are red-green colour blind and some colours do not stand out in contrast to others.

Information should be well organized and concisely presented. Your poster could include the following sections:

  • Title: short and informative.
  • Abstract: again this should be informative. The aim is to put your work into context.
  • Materials and Methods: these have to be short. Don’t use any undefined acronyms etc. Others want to know clearly what you are doing and they might want to use some of the same materials or methods.
  • Results: you are very limited in what you present. Choose the material which best explains what you have found and which can be logically developed to tell your story.
  • Discussion/ Conclusions: have your results provided an answer to the questions which you originally posed? If not, are there alternative answers?

Make sure that your material is presented in a logical and clear sequence so that people can read it and understand it. If you wish, you can provide the audience with copies of the poster reduced in size. There will be a folder available next to your poster for the reprints.